Millennia ago, Saburos, being a member of the Order of Pynaru, had only one aspiration. As with all members of the order, his primary focus was the endless pursuit of knowledge. Believing that knowledge led to power, Saburos let his quest consume him. Eventually, he decided that the only way to rise to his full potential was to limit the knowledge of others. Over the next decade, he worked on ways to seal away knowledge. The seals lock away fundamental knowledge, removing key details from the minds of all, with the exception of his own, and preventing them from ever being discovered again. Before he could put his plans into motion, he was discovered by the order. Furious that he would seek to eliminate the only thing they held sacred, he was banished from the order and all his research destroyed. Saburos spent the remainder of his days loathing the order and working to create a powerful spell to exact his revenge. This spell would be capable of killing any member of the Order of Pynaru in an instant.
His final creation was a spell that would instantly materialize a magic box around any target. The box was impervious to all forms of magic with no opening of any kind. Once the box materialized, it would shrink to the size of a speck of dust, vaporizing and obliterating anything inside. However, his grand creation never got the chance to serve its intended purpose. Saburos died before discovering that his perfect spell, while being impervious to magic, was in fact weak to physical force manifested though non-magical means. The Saburos Box is still seen today in the form of ancient traps. Survivors of the Saburos Box have done so only with great physical strength.